Sold my desk, sold my chair. Sold my microwave and sold my bed! Also sold my friend's car. And then I packed and moved out of my apartment.
The last week was frantic, getting so many things done every single day. Today's my last day in Salt Lake City. Tomorrow, I head out farther west on my journey that started from Ohio after exploring Utah for two years in the middle. I'm headed to Seattle.
Yesterday, I went to UVF and said my good byes to fellow venture capital junkies. Said bye to Jared, Mark and Emily - members of the management who I got to know so well. Emily is getting married this week - good luck to her. Sorry I'll miss your wedding. Bid farewell to the guy whose family ventures office I worked in this summer - my boss, a good friend by now. These are places, experiences, people where I've learnt a lot, gained a lot of experiences and made friends for a lifetime. I will miss Utah.
Utah Rocks. For more reasons than one. Some of those, are above. The rest I'll explain in my next post. Seattle, here I come. Till then...
Labels: Utah